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a ---> abbatial
abbatical ---> abiogenesis
abiogenetic ---> aboulia
aboulic ---> absolute temperature
absolute threshold ---> acacia cambegei
acacia catechu ---> accent
accent mark ---> accordion
accordion door ---> acer platanoides
acer pseudoplatanus ---> achromatism
achromatization ---> acorus
acorus calamus ---> acromial
acromicria ---> actitis macularia
actium ---> adagial
adagio ---> adenalgia
adenanthera ---> adjourn
adjournal ---> adobe house
adobe lily ---> aduncity
aduncous ---> aegicrania
aegilops ---> aerotaxis
aerotherapentics ---> afflictive
afflictively ---> afrocarpus
afrocarpus falcata ---> age of consent
age of fishes ---> agnatha
agnathan ---> agrostology
agrotechny ---> air mail
air mass ---> ajuga reptans
ajutage ---> albert abraham michelson
albert bruce sabin ---> alcoran
alcoranic ---> alexander selcraig
alexander selkirk ---> alice walker
alicia alonso ---> alkyl radical
alkylbenzene ---> alliable
alliaceae ---> allowance
allowance account ---> alonely
aloneness ---> also known as
alsobia ---> alupent
alure ---> amberboa
amberboa moschata ---> amended return
amender ---> american red elder
american red plum ---> ammo
ammobium ---> amphetamine sulphate
amphi- ---> amurcous
amusable ---> anagallis
anagallis arvensis ---> anapsida
anaptotic ---> ancienty
ancile ---> anecdotist
anechoic ---> angioma
angiomatous ---> angulous
angurize ---> anisodactylous
anisogamete ---> annoying
annoyingly ---> anostraca
another ---> antenniferous
antenniform ---> anthropogeography
anthropoglot ---> antidepressant drug
antidiabetic ---> antioxidant
antipapal ---> antitypal
antitype ---> apaid
apair ---> apiologist
apiology ---> apophlegmatic
apophlegmatism ---> appellor
appenage ---> appraisable
appraisal ---> aptitude
aptitudinal ---> araise
arak ---> arch over
arch stone ---> archosargus rhomboidalis
archosaur ---> areopagist
areopagite ---> arioso
arisaema ---> armor plating
armoracia ---> arrested
arrested development ---> arteria alveolaris superior
arteria angularis ---> arthur
arthur ashe ---> arty
arty-crafty ---> ascititious
asclepia meadii ---> aslake
aslant ---> assam rubber
assamar ---> associated state
associateship ---> astomatous
aston ---> asynchronism
asynchronous ---> atheling
athelstan ---> atomic number 11
atomic number 12 ---> atrenne
atresia ---> atticus
atticus atlas ---> auditory aphasia
auditory apparatus ---> aurigation
aurigraphy ---> authorized shares
authorized stock ---> automobile insurance
automobile loan ---> avene sterilis
avener ---> awaited(p)
awake ---> aythya americana
aythya ferina ---> azymous