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Meaning of TUTOR

Pronunciation:  'tootur

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a person who gives private instruction (as in singing or acting)
  2. [v]  be a tutor to someone; give individual instruction; "She tutored me in Spanish"
  3. [v]  act as a guardian to someone
 Synonyms: coach, private instructor
 See Also: crammer, instruct, instructor, interrelate, learn, relate, teach, teacher



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Tu"tor\, n. [OE. tutour, L. tutor, fr. tueri to watch,
    defend: cf. F. tuteur. Cf. {Tuition}.]
    One who guards, protects, watches over, or has the care of,
    some person or thing. Specifically:
    (a) A treasurer; a keeper. ``Tutour of your treasure.''
        --Piers Plowman.
    (b) (Civ. Law) One who has the charge of a child or pupil and
        his estate; a guardian.
    (c) A private or public teacher.
    (d) (Eng. Universities) An officer or member of some hall,
        who instructs students, and is responsible for their
    (e) (Am. Colleges) An instructor of a lower rank than a
  2. \Tu"tor\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Tutored}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    1. To have the guardianship or care of; to teach; to
             Their sons are well tutored by you.   --Shak.
    2. To play the tutor toward; to treat with authority or
       severity. --Addison.
Computing Dictionary

A Scripting language on PLATO systems from CDC.

["The TUTOR Language", Bruce Sherwood, Control Data, 1977].