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Meaning of PLANNER

Pronunciation:  'planur

Matching Terms:  planned, Planner-73

Computing Dictionary

A language for writing theorem provers by Carl Hewitt <hewitt@ai.mit.edu> MIT 1967. Never fully implemented.

CONNIVER was an outgrowth of PLANNER and microPLANNER a subset. PLASMA is a PLANNER-like system modelled on Actors. See also POPLER, QLISP, Scheme.

["PLANNER: A Language for Proving Theorems in Robots", Carl Hewitt, Proc IJCAI-69, Wash DC, May 1969].

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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: a, ancestors, apprentice, architect, artificer, artist, author, begetter, beginner, builder, conceiver, constructor, contriver, craftsman, creator, designer, developer, deviser, discoverer, effector, engenderer, engineer, enterpriser, entrepreneur, executor, executrix, father, founder, framer, generator, grower, inaugurator, industrialist, initiator, instigator, institutor, introducer, inventor, journeyman, maker, manufacturer, master, master craftsman, mother, organizer, originator, past master, precursor, prime mover, producer, projector, promoter, raiser, realizer, shaper, sire, smith, strategian, strategist, tactician, wright