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Meaning of APE

Pronunciation:  eyp

Computing Dictionary
  1. A lossless audio compression algorithm from monkeysaudio.

  2. A graphics package from the Ohio Supercomputer Centre.

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: act, act a part, act as, act out, angwantibo, anthropoid ape, ape about, appear like, approach, approximate, aye-aye, baboon, bar, Barbary ape, be like, be redolent of, bear, bear resemblance, bring to mind, bugs on, burlesque, call to mind, call up, Cape polecat, capuchin, caricature, cavy, chacma, chimp, chimpanzee, Chiroptera, come close, come near, compare with, conformist, coon, copier, copy, copycat, copyist, correspond, counterfeit, counterfeiter, cracked on, crazy about, cuckoo, dissembler, dissimulator, do, drill, echo, echoer, echoist, emulate, enact, entellus, evoke, faker, favor, ferret, follow, forger, foumart, freaked-out, gaga over, gibbon, glutton, gone on, gorilla, groundhog, guenon, guereza, guinea pig, hanuman, hedgehog, hepped up over, hipped on, hit off, hit off on, hot about, hypocrite, imitate, imitator, impersonate, impersonator, impostor, Lagomorpha, langur, lemur, look like, macaque, mad about, make like, man, mandrill, marmoset, masquerade as, match, mime, mimer, mimic, mimicker, mirror, mock, mocker, mockingbird, monk, monkey, mountain gorilla, mousehound, near, nearly reproduce, not tell apart, nuts about, nuts on, opossum, orang, orangutan, pantomime, parallel, parody, parrot, partake of, pass for, perform, personate, phony, plagiarist, play, play a part, polecat, poll-parrot, polly, polly-parrot, porcupine, pose as, poseur, possum, prairie dog, pretend to be, Primates, proboscis monkey, quill pig, raccoon, remind one of, resemble, rhesus, rival, Rodentia, saki, savor of, seem like, sheep, simulate, simulator, skunk, smack of, sound like, stack up with, starry-eyed over, steamed up about, suggest, take after, take off, take off on, travesty, turned-on, weasel, whistle-pig, wild about, wolverine, woodchuck, zoril