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Meaning of HALL

Pronunciation:  hol, hol

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a large entrance or reception room or area
  2. [n]  a college or university building containing living quarters for students
  3. [n]  a large building for meetings or entertainment
  4. [n]  a large room for gatherings or entertainment; "lecture hall"; "pool hall"
  5. [n]  a large building used by a college or university for teaching or research; "halls of learning"
  6. [n]  an interior passage or corridor onto which rooms open; "the elevators were at the end of the hall"
  7. [n]  the large room of a manor or castle
  8. [n]  a large and imposing house
  9. [n]  United States astronomer who discovered Phobos and Deimos (the two satellites of Mars) (1829-1907)
  10. [n]  United States explorer who led three expeditions to the Arctic (1821-1871)
  11. [n]  United States chemist who developed an economical method of producing aluminum from bauxite (1863-1914)
  12. [n]  United States child psychologist whose theories of child psychology strongly influenced educational psychology (1844-1924)
  13. [n]  English writer whose novel about a lesbian relationship was banned in Britain for many years (1883-1943)
 Synonyms: antechamber, anteroom, Asaph Hall, Charles Francis Hall, Charles Martin Hall, dorm, dormitory, entrance hall, foyer, G. Stanley Hall, Granville Stanley Hall, hallway, lobby, manor hall, Marguerite Radclyffe Hall, Radclyffe Hall, residence hall, student residence, vestibule
 See Also: adventurer, astronomer, author, beer hall, building, castle, ceiling, chemist, city hall, concert hall, concourse, corridor, edifice, exhibition area, exhibition hall, explorer, floor, flooring, great hall, guildhall, hall, hall of residence, house, living quarters, lyceum, manor, manor house, manse, mansion, mansion house, narthex, palace, psychologist, quarters, residence, room, stargazer, stately home, uranologist, wall, writer



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Hall\, n. [OE. halle, hal, AS. heal, heall; akin to D.
hal, OS. & OHG. halla, G. halle, Icel. h["o]lt, and prob.
from a root meaning, to hide, conceal, cover. See {Hell},
1. A building or room of considerable size and stateliness,
   used for public purposes; as, Westminster Hall, in London.
   (a) The chief room in a castle or manor house, and in
       early times the only public room, serving as the place
       of gathering for the lord's family with the retainers
       and servants, also for cooking and eating. It was
       often contrasted with the bower, which was the private
       or sleeping apartment.
             Full sooty was her bower and eke her hall.
       Hence, as the entrance from outside was directly into
       the hall:
   (b) A vestibule, entrance room, etc., in the more
       elaborated buildings of later times. Hence:
   (c) Any corridor or passage in a building.
3. A name given to many manor houses because the magistrate's
   court was held in the hall of his mansion; a chief mansion
   house. --Cowell.
4. A college in an English university (at Oxford, an
   unendowed college).
5. The apartment in which English university students dine in
   common; hence, the dinner itself; as, hall is at six
6. Cleared passageway in a crowd; -- formerly an exclamation.
   [Obs.] ``A hall! a hall!'' --B. Jonson.
Syn: Entry; court; passage. See {Vestibule}.
Easton Bible Dictionary

(Gr. aule, Luke 22:55; R.V., "court"), the open court or quadrangle belonging to the high priest's house. In Matt. 26:69 and Mark 14:66 this word is incorrectly rendered "palace" in the Authorized Version, but correctly "court" in the Revised Version. In John 10:1,16 it means a "sheep-fold." In Matt. 27:27 and Mark 15:16 (A.V., "common hall;" R.V., "palace") it refers to the proetorium or residence of the Roman governor at Jerusalem. The "porch" in Matt. 26:71 is the entrance-hall or passage leading into the central court, which is open to the sky.

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: access, adit, adobe house, agora, air lock, amphitheater, approach, arcade, areaway, arena, arena theater, assembly hall, athletic field, auditorium, background, bear garden, bowl, boxing ring, breezeway, building, bull ring, cabaret, campus, canvas, casa, chapel, circle theater, circus, classroom, classroom building, cliff dwelling, cloister, club, cockpit, coliseum, colonnade, colosseum, concert hall, consulate, convention hall, corridor, couloir, country house, country seat, course, dacha, dance hall, deanery, dwelling house, Dymaxion house, edifice, Elizabethan theater, embassy, entrance, entranceway, entry, entryway, erection, exhibition hall, fabric, farm, farmhouse, field, floor, forum, foyer, gallery, gangplank, gangway, Globe Theatre, Greek theater, ground, gym, gymnasium, hallway, hippodrome, house, houseboat, in, ingress, inlet, intake, lake dwelling, lecture hall, lists, little red schoolhouse, little theater, living machine, lobby, locale, lodge, loggia, manor house, manse, marketplace, mat, means of access, meetinghouse, milieu, music hall, night spot, nightclub, open forum, opening, opera, opera house, outdoor theater, palaestra, parade ground, parsonage, passage, passageway, penthouse, pergola, peristyle, pit, place, platform, playhouse, precinct, prefabricated house, presidential palace, prize ring, public square, purlieu, ranch house, range, rectory, ring, roof, scene, scene of action, scenery, school building, schoolhouse, setting, showboat, site, skyscraper, sod house, sphere, split-level, squared circle, stadium, stage, stage set, stage setting, structure, terrain, theater, theater-in-the-round, theatre, theatron, tilting ground, tiltyard, town house, vestibule, vicarage, walk, way, way in, White House, wrestling ring