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Meaning of GANGWAY

Pronunciation:  [inj]'gang'wey, [n]'gang`wey, 'gangwey

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  passageway between seating areas as in an auditorium or passenger vehicle or between areas of shelves of goods as in stores
  2. [n]  a temporary bridge for getting on and off a vessel at dockside
  3. [n]  a temporary passageway of planks (as over mud on a building site)
 Synonyms: aisle, gangboard, gangplank
 See Also: footbridge, overcrossing, passageway, pedestrian bridge



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Gang"way`\, n. [See {Gang}, v. i.]
1. A passage or way into or out of any inclosed place; esp.,
   a temporary way of access formed of planks.
2. In the English House of Commons, a narrow aisle across the
   house, below which sit those who do not vote steadly
   either with the government or with the opposition.
3. (Naut.) The opening through the bulwarks of a vessel by
   which persons enter or leave it.
4. (Naut.) That part of the spar deck of a vessel on each
   side of the booms, from the quarter-deck to the
   forecastle; -- more properly termed the waist. --Totten.
{Gangway ladder}, a ladder rigged on the side of a vessel at
   the gangway.
{To bring to the gangway}, to punish (a seaman) by flogging
   him at the gangway.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: access, adit, air lock, approach, bascule bridge, bateau bridge, Bifrost, bridge, cantilever bridge, catwalk, corridor, drawbridge, entrance, entranceway, entry, entryway, floating bridge, flyover, footbridge, gangboard, gangplank, hall, in, ingress, inlet, intake, lift bridge, means of access, opening, overbridge, overcrossing, overpass, passage, passageway, pontoon bridge, rope bridge, span, stepping-stone, stepstone, suspension bridge, swing bridge, toll bridge, vestibule, viaduct, way, way in