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Meaning of NUCLEUS

Pronunciation:  'nookleeus

Matching Terms:  Nucleus Basalis of Meynert, nucleus pulposus

Medical Dictionary
 Definition: Center portion of cells essential for cell growth, nourishment and reproduction.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: alpha particle, Anlage, antibaryon, antilepton, antimeson, atomic nucleus, atomic particle, axiom, axis, baryon, basichromatin, beta particle, bud, center, center of action, center of gravity, centroid, centrum, chromatin, chromatin strands, core, dead center, diameter, diaphragm, egg, electron, elementary particle, elixir, embryo, epicenter, equator, essence, essential, flower, focus, fundamental, germ, germen, gist, gravamen, heart, heterochromatin, hub, hypostasis, inner essence, interior, karyosome, karyotin, Kern, kernel, lepton, loins, macronucleus, marrow, mean, meat, median, medulla, meganucleus, meson, metacenter, micronucleus, middle, midmost, midriff, midst, nave, navel, neutron, NMR, nub, nuclear force, nuclear magnetic resonance, nuclear particle, nuclear resonance, nucleolus, nucleon, nucleosynthesis, nuts and bolts, omphalos, ovum, photon, pith, pivot, plasmosome, postulate, principle, proton, quid, quiddity, quintessence, rudiment, sap, seed, soul, spark, spermatozoon, spirit, storm center, strangeness, strong interaction, stuff, substance, the nitty-gritty, thick, thick of things, triton, umbilicus, valence electron, waist, waistline, zone