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Meaning of LIGAMENT

Pronunciation:  'ligumunt

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  any connection or unifying bond
  2. [n]  a sheet or band of tough fibrous tissue connecting bones or cartilages or supporting muscles or organs
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 See Also: attachment, binder, bond, chain, connective tissue, falciform ligament, ligamentum teres uteri, ligature, muscle system, muscular structure, musculature, round ligament of the uterus, wire



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Lig"a*ment\ (l[i^]g"[.a]*ment), n. [L. ligamentum, fr.
ligare to bind: cf. F. ligament. Cf. {Lien}, n., {Ligature}.]
1. Anything that ties or unites one thing or part to another;
   a bandage; a bond. --Hawthorne.
         Interwoven is the love of liberty with every
         ligament of your hearts.              --Washington.
2. (Anat.)
   (a) A tough band or plate of dense, fibrous, connective
       tissue or fibrocartilage serving to unite bones or
       form joints.
   (b) A band of connective tissue, or a membranous fold,
       which supports or retains an organ in place; as, the
       gastrophrenic ligament, connecting the diaphragm and
Medical Dictionary
 Definition: a flexible band of fibrous tissue that connects the bones and bind the joints together.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: bone, braid, brail, cable, cartilage, cord, knot, ligation, ligature, line, link, nexus, ossicle, rope, spun yarn, string, tendon, thong, tie, twine, twist, vinculum, wire, yarn, yoke