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Meaning of HEARING

Pronunciation:  'heering

Matching Terms:  Heariness, hearing aid, hearing disorder, hearing dog, hearing examiner, hearing impairment, hearing loss, hearing officer, hearing test, hearing(a), hearing-impaired

Medical Dictionary
 Definition: series of events in which sound waves in the air are converted to electrical signals that are sent as nerve impulses to the brain where they are interpreted.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: acoustic, amassing evidence, assize, attention, audible, audience, audile, audio, audition, auditory, auditory range, aural, auricular, bench test, blue book, bugging, carrying distance, change of venue, chromesthesia, close inquiry, color hearing, conference, court-martial, cross-examination, department of investigation, detection, detective work, discussion, dry run, ear, earreach, earshot, eavesdropping, electronic surveillance, exam, examen, examination, exhaustive study, favorable attention, final, final examination, five senses, flight test, Gedankenexperiment, great go, honors, indagation, inquest, inquiry, inquisition, interview, investigation, investigative bureau, jury trial, legislative investigation, legwork, listening, listening in, meeting, midsemester, midterm, mistrial, negotiation, oral, oral examination, otic, otological, otopathic, otoscopic, parley, perscrutation, phonic, phonism, photism, pilot plan, practical test, practice, prelim, probe, quiz, range, reach, receptor, rehearsal, research, road test, sense organ, senses, sensillum, sensorium, sensory organ, shakedown, shakedown cruise, sifting, sight, sixth sense, sleuthing, smell, sound, synesthesia, take-home examination, taste, test, test flight, test run, touch, trial, trial by jury, trial run, tripos, tryout, viva, wiretapping, witch-hunt, workout, written, written examination