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Meaning of CORPUS

Pronunciation:  'korpus

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Matching Terms:  corpulence, corpulent, corpulently, corpus amygdaloideum, corpus callosum, corpus christi, corpus delicti, corpus geniculatum laterale, corpus geniculatum mediale, corpus luteum, corpus mamillare, corpus sternum, corpus striatum, corpuscle, corpuscular, corpuscular radiation, corpuscular theory, corpuscular theory of light, corpuscularian, corpuscular-radiation pressure, corpuscule, corpusculous

Medical Dictionary
 Definition: The body of the uterus (womb).
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: A to izzard, A to Z, acquaintance, aggregate, all, all and sundry, alpha and omega, ana, anatomy, anthology, aquarium, assemblage, be-all, be-all and end-all, beginning and end, body, bones, bulk, capital, capital gains distribution, capital structure, capitalization, carcass, chrestomathy, circulating capital, clay, clod, collectanea, collection, compilation, complement, core, data, datum, each and every, equity capital, everything, experience, expertise, facts, factual base, familiarity, Festschrift, figure, fixed capital, flesh, floating capital, florilegium, form, frame, fund, holdings, hulk, information, intelligence, intimacy, ken, know-how, knowing, knowledge, length and breadth, library, mass, material body, menagerie, moneyed capital, museum, one and all, package, package deal, person, physical body, physique, practical knowledge, principal, private knowledge, privity, ratio cognoscendi, raw data, self-knowledge, set, soma, staple, substance, technic, technics, technique, the corpus, the ensemble, the entirety, the lot, the whole, the whole range, torso, treasure, trunk, venture capital, working capital, zoo