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Meaning of CERVIX

Pronunciation:  'surviks

Matching Terms:  cervical, cervical artery, cervical canal, Cervical cancer, Cervical cap, cervical disc syndrome, cervical esophagus, cervical glands, cervical glands of the uterus, Cervical incompetence, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, cervical nerve, cervical plexus, cervical root syndrome, cervical smear, Cervical stenosis, cervical vein, cervical vertebra, Cervicide, cervicitis, cervicofacial actinomycosis, cervid, Cervidae, cervine, cervix uteri

Medical Dictionary
 Definition: Mouth of the uterus (womb). In the first stage of labor the cervix thins and opens to allow the baby to move into the vagina (birth canal).
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abbreviation, advocate, alpenstock, ankle, arm, articulation, astriction, astringency, athletic supporter, back, backbone, backing, bag, ballocks, balls, bandeau, basket, beard, bearer, bottleneck, boundary, bra, brace, bracer, bracket, brassiere, breasts, butt, buttress, cane, carrier, circumscription, clinch, clitoris, closure, coarctation, cod, cods, compactedness, compaction, compression, compressure, concentration, condensation, connecting link, connecting rod, connection, consolidation, constriction, constringency, contraction, contracture, corset, coupling, crook, crutch, cullions, curtailment, decrease, diminuendo, dovetail, elbow, embrace, family jewels, female organs, foundation garment, fulcrum, genitalia, genitals, girdle, gliding joint, gonads, guy, guywire, hinge, hinged joint, hip, hourglass, hourglass figure, interface, isthmus, jock, jockstrap, join, joining, joint, juncture, knee, knitting, knuckle, labia, labia majora, labia minora, lingam, link, lips, mainstay, maintainer, male organs, mast, meat, miter, mortise, narrow place, narrowing, neck, nuts, nymphae, ovary, penis, phallus, pivot, pivot joint, private parts, privates, privy parts, prop, pubic hair, puckering, pudenda, pursing, rabbet, reduction, reinforce, reinforcement, reinforcer, reproductive organs, rest, resting place, rigging, rocks, scarf, scrotum, seam, secondary sex characteristic, sex organs, shortening, shoulder, shroud, solidification, spermary, spine, sprit, staff, standing rigging, stave, stay, stick, stiffener, stitch, stranglement, strangulation, strengthener, striction, stricture, support, supporter, sustainer, suture, symphysis, systole, testes, testicles, tie rod, toggle, toggle joint, union, upholder, uterus, vagina, vulva, walking stick, wasp waist, weld, womb, wrinkling, wrist, yoni