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Meaning of SYSTOLE

Pronunciation:  'sistu`lee

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  the contraction of the chambers of the heart (especially the ventricles) to drive blood into the aorta and pulmonary artery
 See Also: beat, heartbeat, pulsation, pulse



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Sys"to*le\, n. (Physiol. & Biol.)
    The contraction of the heart and arteries by which the blood
    is forced onward and the circulation kept up; also, the
    contraction of a rhythmically pulsating contractile vacuole;
    -- correlative to {diastole}. -- {Sys*tol"ic}, a.
  2. \Sys"to*le\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to contract; sy`n
    with + ? to set, place.]
    1. (Gram.) The shortening of the long syllable.
    2. (Physiol.) The contraction of the heart and arteries by
       which the blood is forced onward and the circulation kept
       up; -- correlative to {diastole}.
Medical Dictionary
 Definition: The portion of the heart cycle during which the heart muscle is contracting.