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Meaning of SYMPHONY

Pronunciation:  'simfunee

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a long and complex sonata for symphony orchestra
  2. [n]  a large orchestra; can perform symphonies; "we heard the Vienna symphony"
 Synonyms: symphonic music, symphony orchestra
 See Also: orchestra, sonata



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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Sym"pho*ny\, n.; pl. {Symphonies}. [F. symphonie (cf.
It. sinfonia), L. symphonia, Gr. ?; sy`n with + ? a sound,
the voice. See {Phonetic}.]
1. A consonance or harmony of sounds, agreeable to the ear,
   whether the sounds are vocal or instrumental, or both.
         The trumpets sound, And warlike symphony in heard
         around.                               --Dryden.
2. A stringed instrument formerly in use, somewhat resembling
   the virginal.
         With harp and pipe and symphony.      --Chaucer.
3. (Mus.)
   (a) An elaborate instrumental composition for a full
       orchestra, consisting usually, like the sonata, of
       three or four contrasted yet inwardly related
       movements, as the allegro, the adagio, the minuet and
       trio, or scherzo, and the finale in quick time. The
       term has recently been applied to large orchestral
       works in freer form, with arguments or programmes to
       explain their meaning, such as the ``symphonic poems''
       of Liszt. The term was formerly applied to any
       composition for an orchestra, as overtures, etc., and
       still earlier, to certain compositions partly vocal,
       partly instrumental.
   (b) An instrumental passage at the beginning or end, or in
       the course of, a vocal composition; a prelude,
       interlude, or postude; a ritornello.
Computing Dictionary

Lotus Development's successor to their Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet. Unlike 1-2-3, Symphony allowed a limited form of multitasking. The user could switch manually between it and MS-DOS and separate graph and spreadsheet windows could be opened simultaneously and would be updated automatically when cells were changed. In addition, a small word processor could be opened in a third window. These all could be printed out on the same report. Symphony could read and write Lotus 1-2-3 files and had interactive graphical output and a word processor, thus making it effectively a report generator. Unlike 1-2-3, Symphony was not a great commercial success.

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you are attending a symphony, represents harmony and cooperation in a situation or relationship. The dream may serve as a form of inspiration and renewal. You are feeling emotionally and mentally uplifted.