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Meaning of SURRENDER

Pronunciation:  su'rendur

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the act of surrendering (under agreed conditions); "they were protected until the capitulation of the fort"
  2. [n]  the delivery of a principal into lawful custody
  3. [n]  a verbal act of admitting defeat
  4. [n]  acceptance of despair
  5. [v]  give up or agree to forego to the power or possession of another
  6. [v]  relinquish to the power of another; yield to the control of another
  7. [v]  relinquish possession or control over; "The squatters had to surrender the building after the police moved in"
  8. [v]  hand over to the authorities of another country
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 Synonyms: capitulation, cede, deliver, deliver, deport, extradite, fall, give up, give up, giving up, relinquish, resignation, yielding
 Antonyms: hold out, resist, stand firm, withstand
 See Also: abnegate, capitulate, concede, defeatism, delivery, despair, expel, extradition, gift, give, kick out, legal transfer, livery, loss, present, relinquishing, relinquishment, repatriate, sell, sign away, sign over, throw out, yield, yield up



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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Sur*ren"der\, n. (Insurance)
    The voluntary cancellation of the legal liability of the
    company by the insured and beneficiary for a consideration
    (called the
    {surrender value}).
  2. \Sur*ren"der\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Surrendered}; p.
    pr. & vb. n. {Surrendering}.] [OF. surrendre to deliver; sur
    over + rendre to render. See {Sur-}, and {Render}.]
    1. To yield to the power of another; to give or deliver up
       possession of (anything) upon compulsion or demand; as, to
       surrender one's person to an enemy or to an officer; to
       surrender a fort or a ship.
    2. To give up possession of; to yield; to resign; as, to
       surrender a right, privilege, or advantage.
             To surrender up that right which otherwise their
             founders might have in them.          --Hooker.
    3. To yield to any influence, emotion, passion, or power; --
       used reflexively; as, to surrender one's self to grief, to
       despair, to indolence, or to sleep.
    4. (Law) To yield; to render or deliver up; to give up; as, a
       principal surrendered by his bail, a fugitive from justice
       by a foreign state, or a particular estate by the tenant
       thereof to him in remainder or reversion.
  3. \Sur*ren"der\, v. i.
    To give up one's self into the power of another; to yield;
    as, the enemy, seeing no way of escape, surrendered at the
    first summons.
  4. \Sur*ren"der\, n.
    1. The act of surrendering; the act of yielding, or resigning
       one's person, or the possession of something, into the
       power of another; as, the surrender of a castle to an
       enemy; the surrender of a right.
             That he may secure some liberty he makes a surrender
             in trust of the whole of it.          --Burke.
    2. (Law)
       (a) The yielding of a particular estate to him who has an
           immediate estate in remainder or reversion.
       (b) The giving up of a principal into lawful custody by
           his bail.
       (c) The delivery up of fugitives from justice by one
           government to another, as by a foreign state. See
           {Extradition}. --Wharton.
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you surrender, suggests that you need to rid yourself of past emotions and habits.