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Meaning of POPLAR

Pronunciation:  'pâplur

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  any of numerous trees of north temperate regions having light soft wood and flowers borne in catkins
  2. [n]  soft light-colored nondurable wood of the poplar
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 Synonyms: poplar tree
 See Also: abele, angiospermous tree, aspen, aspen poplar, balsam poplar, black poplar, cottonwood, flowering tree, genus Populus, gray poplar, hackmatack, poplar, Populus, Populus alba, Populus balsamifera, Populus canescens, Populus nigra, silver-leaved poplar, tacamahac, white aspen, white poplar, wood



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Pop"lar\, n. [OE. popler, OF. poplier, F. peuplier, fr.
L. populus poplar.] (Bot.)
1. Any tree of the genus {Populus}; also, the timber, which
   is soft, and capable of many uses.
Note: The aspen poplar is {Populus tremula} and {P.
      tremuloides}; Balsam poplar is {P. balsamifera};
      Lombardy poplar ({P. dilatata}) is a tall, spiry tree;
      white poplar is {Populus alba}.
2. The timber of the tulip tree; -- called also {white
   poplar}. [U.S.]
Computing Dictionary

Morris, 1978. A blend of LISP with SNOBOL4 pattern matching and APL-like postfix syntax. Implicit iteration over lists, sorting primitive. "Experience with an Applicative String-Processing Language", J.H. Morris et al, 7th POPL, ACM 1980, pp.32-46.

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing a poplar in your dream, symbolizes life and vitality.
Easton Bible Dictionary

Heb. libneh, "white", (Gen. 30:37; Hos. 4:13), in all probability the storax tree (Styrax officinalis) or white poplar, distinguished by its white blossoms and pale leaves. It is common in the Anti-Libanus. Other species of the poplar are found in Palestine, such as the white poplar (P. alba) of our own country, the black poplar (P. nigra), and the aspen (P. tremula). (See WILLOW.)