Meaning of MINERAL
Pronunciation: | | 'minurul
WordNet Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
- [n]
- [adj] of or containing or derived from minerals; "a mineral deposit"; "mineral water"
- [adj] composed of matter other than plant or animal; "the inorganic mineral world"
- [adj] relating to minerals; "mineral elements"; "mineral deposits"
| Websites: | | |
| Synonyms: | | asphaltic, inorganic, mineralized, petrified |
| Antonyms: | | animal, vegetable | |
| See Also: | | ader wax, amblygonite, amphibole, amphibole group, apatite, aragonite, argentite, argyrodite, arsenopyrite, asphalt, augite, baddeleyite, barite, barium sulphate, barytes, bastnaesite, bastnasite, bauxite, beryl, borax, bornite, cadmium sulphide, calamine, carnallite, carnotite, cassiterite, celestite, cerussite, chalcocite, chalcopyrite, chromite, chrysoberyl, cinnabar, cobaltite, copper glance, copper pyrites, cordierite, corundom, corundum, cristobalite, crocolite, cryolite, cuprite, dolomite, earth color, earth wax, emery, fergusonite, fluor, fluorite, fluorspar, gadolinite, galena, garnet, garnierite, germanite, gibbsite, glauconite, Greenland spar, greenockite, gypsum, halite, hausmannite, heavy spar, hemimorphite, ilmenite, material, mineral pitch, mineral wax, mispickel, ozocerite, ozokerite, peacock ore, rock, rock salt, stone, stuff, white lead ore, ytterbite | |
Products Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Mineral Mineral more details ... |
Webster's 1913 Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
\Min"er*al\, n. [F. min['e]ral, LL. minerale, fr. minera
mine. See {Mine}, v. i.]
1. An inorganic species or substance occurring in nature,
having a definite chemical composition and usually a
distinct crystalline form. Rocks, except certain glassy
igneous forms, are either simple minerals or aggregates of
2. A mine. [Obs.] --Shak.
3. Anything which is neither animal nor vegetable, as in the
most general classification of things into three kingdoms
(animal, vegetable, and mineral).
\Min"er*al\, a.
1. Of or pertaining to minerals; consisting of a mineral or
of minerals; as, a mineral substance.
2. Impregnated with minerals; as, mineral waters.
{Mineral acids} (Chem.), inorganic acids, as sulphuric,
nitric, phosphoric, hydrochloric, acids, etc., as
distinguished from the {organic acids}.
{Mineral blue}, the name usually given to azurite, when
reduced to an impalpable powder for coloring purposes.
{Mineral candle}, a candle made of paraffine.
{Mineral caoutchouc}, an elastic mineral pitch, a variety of
bitumen, resembling caoutchouc in elasticity and softness.
See {Caoutchouc}, and {Elaterite}.
{Mineral chameleon} (Chem.) See {Chameleon mineral}, under
{Mineral charcoal}. See under {Charcoal}.
{Mineral cotton}. See {Mineral wool} (below).
{Mineral green}, a green carbonate of copper; malachite.
{Mineral kingdom} (Nat. Sci.), that one of the three grand
divisions of nature which embraces all inorganic objects,
as distinguished from plants or animals.
{Mineral oil}. See {Naphtha}, and {Petroleum}.
{Mineral paint}, a pigment made chiefly of some natural
mineral substance, as red or yellow iron ocher.
{Mineral patch}. See {Bitumen}, and {Asphalt}.
{Mineral right}, the right of taking minerals from land.
{Mineral salt} (Chem.), a salt of a mineral acid.
{Mineral tallow}, a familiar name for {hatchettite}, from its
fatty or spermaceti-like appearance.
{Mineral water}. See under {Water}.
{Mineral wax}. See {Ozocerite}.
{Mineral wool}, a fibrous wool-like material, made by blowing
a powerful jet of air or steam through melted slag. It is
a poor conductor of heat.
Medical Dictionary |
| Definition: | | A nutrient required to maintain health. |
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Seeing minerals in your dream means that your current bleak outlook look look more promising in the future. |
Biology Dictionary |
| Definition: | | - An element (such as copper, iron, calcium, potassium, etc.) which is required by the body in some amount (often in trace amounts); compare vitamin.
- An inorganic substance (a chemical element or chemical element compound) that is found in nature and has a distinct chemical composition and crystal form. Minerals such as iron ore, gold ore, halite (salt) etc. have economic value. Rocks are minerals or combinations of minerals.
- In general, any naturally-occuring substance that is derived neither from plants nor animals.
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | alabaster, alabastrine, amphibole, antimony, apatite, aplite, arsenic, asbestine, asbestos, asphalt, azurite, bauxite, bitumen, boron, brimstone, bromine, brucite, calcite, carbon, celestite, chalcedony, chlorite, chromite, clay, coal, coke, corundum, cryolite, diatomite, emery, epidote, epsomite, feldspar, garnet, gel mineral, glauconite, graphite, graphitic, gypsum, hatchettine, holosiderite, inorganic, inorganic substance, iron pyrites, jet, kyanite, lignite, lime, magnesite, malachite, maltha, marcasite, marl, meerschaum, metamict substance, mica, micaceous, mineral coal, mineral kingdom, mineral oil, mineral resources, mineral salt, mineral tallow, mineral tar, mineral wax, mineral world, mineral-bearing material, mineraloid, molybdenite, monazite, nonbiological, nonorganic, obsidian, olivine, ore, ozokerite, peat, perlite, petrified, phosphate rock, phosphorus, pumice, pyrite, pyrites, pyroxene, quartz, realgar, red clay, rhodonite, rock crystal, rocks, salt, selenite, selenium, siderite, silica, silicate, silicic, silicon, spar, spinel, spodumene, sulfur, sulfuric, sulfurous, talc, talcum, tellurium, unorganic, unorganized, untreated mineral, wollastonite, wulfenite, zeolite |