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Meaning of LETTERS

Pronunciation:  l'eturz

Matching Terms:  Letter, letter bond, letter box, letter carrier, letter case, letter of credit, letter of intent, letter of mark and reprisal, letter of marque, letter of the alphabet, letter opener, letter paper, letter security, letter stock, letter telegram, letter writer, letterbomb, letter-bomb, lettercard, lettered, Letterer, Lettergram, letterhead, Lettering, Letterless, letterman, Lettern, letter-perfect, letterpress, letters form other words., Letters of Administration, letters of marque, letters patent, Letters Testamentary, letterset printing, Letterure, Letterwood

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing letters of the alphabet in your dream, symbolizes any object, animal, place associated with or resembling that particular letter. For example, the letter "T" may refer to a type intersection in a road. Alternatively, you may still be trying to understand some concept or emotion that is still in the primitive stages.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: account, alphabet, alphabetics, ancient literature, annals, belles lettres, bibliolatry, bibliomania, bluestockingism, book learning, book madness, bookiness, bookishness, booklore, catalog, chronicle, classical scholarship, classicism, classics, contemporary literature, correspondence, culture, documentation, donnishness, erotic literature, erotica, eruditeness, erudition, folk literature, French literature, futhark, graphemics, history, humane letters, humanism, humanistic scholarship, Initial Teaching Alphabet, intellectualism, intellectuality, International Phonetic Alphabet, inventory, IPA, ITA, kitsch, learnedness, list, literacy, literature, medieval literature, memorial, national literature, obscene literature, paleography, pedantism, pedantry, pipe roll, polite literature, pop literature, popular literature, pornographic literature, pornography, pseudonymous literature, reading, record, recording, register, registry, relic, remains, Renaissance literature, republic of letters, roll, rolls, roster, rota, runic alphabet, scatological literature, scholarship, script, scroll, serious literature, syllabary, table, token, trace, travel literature, underground literature, vestige, wisdom literature, writing system