Meaning of HEDGE
Pronunciation: | | hej
Matching Terms: | | hedge bindweed, hedge fund, hedge garlic, hedge maple, hedge mustard, hedge nettle, hedge pink, hedge sparrow, hedge thorn, hedge trimmer, hedge violet, Hedgeborn, Hedgebote, hedged, Hedgehog, hedgehog cactus, hedgehog cereus, hedgehop, Hedgeless, Hedgepig, Hedger, hedgerow, hedging, Hedging bill
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Seeing hedges in your dream, symbolizes restrictions and obstacles that are inhibiting your progress.
Dreaming that you are trimming a hedge indicates your acceptance of the restrictions you are facing and are now making the best out of a negative situation. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abate, about the bush, adjust to, allowance, alter, around the bush, assuage, bar, beat about, beat around, beg the question, bicker, boggle, border line, bound, boundary, boundary condition, boundary line, bourn, box in, break boundary, breakoff point, bulkhead in, cage, calculation, canniness, care, careful consideration, carefulness, caution, cautiousness, cavil, ceiling, cession, choplogic, circumscribe, circumscription, circumspection, clear the decks, compass, concession, condition, confine, consider every angle, contain, coop, copyright, corral, cutoff, cutoff point, deadline, deliberate stages, deliberateness, deliberation, delimitation, determinant, diminish, discipline, discretion, division line, dodge, draw the line, duck, end, equivocate, evade, evade the issue, exception, exemption, extenuating circumstances, extremity, fence, finish, floor, forearm, frontier, gingerliness, grain of salt, grant, guard against, guardedness, hedge about, hedging, heed, heedfulness, hem, hem and haw, hesitation, high-water mark, immure, interface, judiciousness, leave out nothing, leaven, limen, limit, limitation, limiting factor, line, line of demarcation, lower limit, low-water mark, make sure, make sure against, march, mark, mental reservation, mete, mew, mindfulness, mitigate, moderate, modification, modify, modulate, mystify, narrow, nitpick, obscure, overlook no possibility, pale, palisade, palliate, palter, parry, patent, pawkiness, pen, pick nits, picket, play safe, prepare for, prevaricate, prior consultation, provide a hedge, provide against, provide for, prudence, prudentialness, pull away, pull back, pussyfoot, put off, qualification, qualify, quibble, rail, recoil, reduce, reef down, regardfulness, register, regulate by, reservation, restrain, restrict, restriction, safeness, safety first, salvo, scant, season, set conditions, set limits, sheer off, shift, shift off, shorten sail, shrink, shuffle, shy, shy away, shy off, sidestep, slowness to act, soften, solicitude, special case, special treatment, specialize, specialness, specification, split hairs, start, starting line, starting point, step aside, stint, straiten, swerve, take measures, take precautions, take steps, target date, temper, tentativeness, tergiversate, term, terminal date, terminus, thoroughness, threshold, time allotment, uncommunicativeness, unprecipitateness, upper limit, waiver, wall, ward off, weasel |