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Meaning of FLUTE

Pronunciation:  floot

Matching Terms:  flutamide, Flute a bec, flute glass, flute player, Fluted, Flutemouth, Fluter, fluting, flutist, flutter, flutter kick, Flutterer, fluttering, Flutteringly, Fluty

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Hearing or play the flute in your dream indicates harmony in your life. Everything is going well in your life.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: aulos, bagpipe, bark, basset horn, basset oboe, bassoon, bawl, bellow, bezel, blare, blat, blow, blow a horn, blubber, bombard, boom, bray, breathe, bugle, buzz, cackle, canal, canalize, carillon, carve, chamfer, channel, chant, chase, chink, chirp, chisel, clarinet, clarion, contrabassoon, contrafagotto, coo, corrugate, corrugation, crack, cranny, crease, crimp, crisp, cromorne, crow, cut, dado, dike, ditch, dog-ear, doodle, double, double bassoon, double over, double reed, double-tongue, drawl, enfold, English horn, engrave, engraving, exclaim, fife, fipple flute, flageolet, flounce, fluting, fold, fold over, frill, furrow, gash, gasp, gather, goffer, gouge, groove, growl, grunt, gully, hautboy, heckelphone, hiss, hornpipe, incise, incision, infold, interfold, keen, lap over, licorice stick, lilt, lip, microgroove, mumble, murmur, musette, mutter, oaten reed, oboe, oboe da caccia, ocarina, Pandean pipe, panpipe, pant, penny-whistle, piccolo, pipe, plait, plat, pleat, plicate, plow, ply, pommer, quill, rabbet, recorder, reed, reed instrument, rifle, rifling, roar, ruck, ruff, ruffle, rumble, rut, sax, saxophone, score, scratch, scream, screech, shawm, shriek, sibilate, sigh, sing, single reed, single-reed instrument, slit, snap, snarl, snort, sob, sonorophone, sound, squall, squawk, squeal, streak, stria, striate, striation, sulcation, sulcus, sweet potato, syrinx, tabor pipe, tenoroon, thunder, tin-whistle, tongue, toot, tootle, trench, triple-tongue, trough, trumpet, tuck, turn over, twang, tweedle, twill, wail, warble, well-worn groove, whine, whisper, whistle, wind, wind the horn, woods, woodwind, woodwind choir, woodwind instrument, wrinkle, yap, yawp, yell, yelp