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Meaning of FARM

Pronunciation:  fârm

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing or live on a farm in your dream, suggests that you need to develop aspect of yourself and utilize your potential. You are ready for growth.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: acreage, adobe house, agrarian, agrestic, agricultural, agronomic, allotment, arable, arable land, Arcadian, barnyard, barton, be killed, breed, bucolic, building, casa, cattle ranch, charter, chicken farm, cliff dwelling, collective farm, consulate, contract, cotton plantation, countrify, country, country house, country seat, croft, crop, cultivate, culture, dacha, dairy farm, deanery, delegate, demesne, demesne farm, die, dry farm, dryfarm, dude ranch, dwelling house, Dymaxion house, edifice, embassy, erection, fabric, factory farm, fallow, farm out, farmery, farmhold, farmhouse, farming, farmland, farmplace, farmstead, farmyard, fatten, feed, fruit farm, fur farm, garden, geoponic, grain farm, grange, grassland, grow, hacienda, hall, hatch, hire, hire out, holding, homecroft, homefarm, homestead, house, houseboat, job, keep, kibbutz, kolkhoz, lake dwelling, land, lease, lease out, lease-back, lease-lend, lend-lease, let, let off, let out, living machine, location, lodge, lowland, mains, manor farm, manor house, manse, nurture, orchard, parsonage, pastoral, pastoralize, pasture, pen, penthouse, plantation, poultry farm, prefabricated house, presidential palace, provincial, raise, ranch, ranch house, rancheria, rancho, rear, rectory, rent, rent out, roof, run, rural, rustic, rusticate, sharecrop, sheep farm, skyscraper, sod house, split-level, station, steading, stock farm, structure, subcontract, sublease, sublet, till the soil, toft, town house, truck farm, underlet, upland, vicarage, White House