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Meaning of DOVE

Pronunciation:  duv, duv

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing doves in your dream, symbolizes peace, tranquility, harmony, and innocence. In particular, to see white doves in your dream, symbolizes loyalty and friendships. It may also represent a message and blessing from the Holy Spirit. You have let go of your thoughts of hate and revenge. Dreaming that doves are mating and building a nest, symbolizes a joyous home life filled with tranquility, pleasure and obedient children.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: angel, avifauna, babe, baby bird, bird, bird of Jove, bird of Juno, bird of Minerva, bird of night, bird of passage, bird of prey, birdie, birdlife, birdy, cage bird, chick, child, child of nature, conchie, conscientious objector, cygnet, diving bird, dupe, eagle, eaglet, fish-eating bird, fledgling, flightless bird, fowl, fruit-eating bird, fulmar, game bird, hick, infant, ingenue, innocent, insect-eating bird, lamb, lout, mere child, migrant, migratory bird, nestling, newborn babe, noble savage, oaf, oscine bird, owl, pacificator, pacificist, pacifist, passerine bird, peace lover, peacemaker, peacemonger, peacenik, peacock, peafowl, peahen, perching bird, pigeon, ratite, rube, sea bird, seed-eating bird, shore bird, simple soul, songbird, squab, storm petrel, stormy petrel, swan, unsophisticate, wading bird, warbler, water bird, waterfowl, wildfowl, yokel