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Meaning of COIN

Pronunciation:  koyn

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing coins in your dream indicates missed or overlooked opportunities that come your way. Seeing gold coins in your dream, represent success and wealth. Silver coins represents spirituality, values, and your self-worth. Seeing coins stacked in your dream, symbolizes masculine power, dominance, and energy. Dreaming that you are flipping a coin, represents your casual attitude about making some decision. You may also not be taking responsibility for your decisions. Alternatively, it indicates your irrational thoughts.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: angle, apex, beget, bend, bifurcation, bight, bread, breed, bring forth, bring into being, call into being, cant, cash, change, chevron, chips, conceit, conceive, conceptualize, concoct, contrive, cook up, corner, counterfeit, crank, create, crook, crotchet, crown, currency, deflection, design, develop, devise, discover, dogleg, double eagle, doubloon, dough, dream up, ducat, eagle, elbow, ell, engender, evolve, experience imaginatively, fabricate, fancy, fantasize, fictionalize, five-dollar gold piece, forge, fork, frame, furcation, generate, give being to, give rise to, gold piece, guinea, half crown, half eagle, hard money, hatch, hook, ideate, imagine, improvise, inaugurate, inflection, innovate, introduce, introduce new blood, invent, jack, knee, L, legal tender, make do with, make innovations, make money, make up, mature, mazuma, mint, moidore, mold, money, napoleon, neologize, neoterize, nook, originate, piece, piece of money, piece of silver, pioneer, plan, point, pound sovereign, procreate, produce, quoin, renew, renovate, revolutionize, roll of coins, rouleau, scratch, shape, shekels, shove the queer, silver, sovereign, spawn, specie, stamp, start, strike out, suppose, swerve, ten-dollar gold piece, think out, think up, twenty-dollar gold piece, utter, veer, vertex, zag, zig, zigzag