Meaning of AGREEMENT
Pronunciation: | | u'greemunt
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Reaching an agreement in a dream means you are working hard on finding
a solution to a difficult situation. |
| Websites: | | |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | acceptance, accession, acclamation, accommodation, accompaniment, accord, accordance, acquiescence, adaptation, adaption, addition, adjustment, affiliation, affinity, affirmation, affirmative, affirmative voice, agape, agglomeration, aggregation, agreement, agreement in principle, agreement of all, alikeness, alliance, amalgamation, amity, analogy, Anschluss, aping, approach, approbation, approval, approximation, arrangement, assent, assentation, assimilation, association, aye, bargain, binding agreement, blend, blending, blessing, bond, bonds of harmony, brotherly love, cabal, cahoots, caritas, cartel, cement of friendship, centralization, charity, chime, chorus, closeness, coaction, coalescence, coalition, coequality, coetaneity, coetaneousness, coevalneity, coevalness, coexistence, coincidence, collaboration, collective agreement, collectivity, collusion, combination, combine, combined effort, combo, commitment, common assent, common consent, communion, community, community of interests, compact, comparability, comparison, compatibility, compliance, composition, concert, concerted action, concomitance, concord, concordance, concordat, concourse, concurrence, confederacy, confederation, confluence, conformance, conformation other-direction, conformity, congeniality, congeries, conglomeration, congruence, congruity, conjugation, conjunction, connivance, consensus, consensus gentium, consensus of opinion, consensus omnium, consent, consentaneity, consilience, consistency, consolidation, consonance, consortium, conspiracy, contemporaneity, contemporaneousness, contract, convention, conventionality, cooperation, copying, correspondence, covenant, covenant of salt, co-working, deal, dicker, eagerness, ecumenism, embodiment, empathy, employment contract, encompassment, endorsement, engagement, enosis, entente, equality, equivalence, esprit, esprit de corps, federalization, federation, feeling of identity, fellow feeling, fellowship, flexibility, formal agreement, frictionlessness, fusion, general acclamation, general agreement, general consent, general voice, good vibes, good vibrations, happy family, harmony, hearty assent, homogeneity, homoousia, hookup, identity, imitation, inclusion, incorporation, indistinguishability, integration, ironclad agreement, junta, keeping, kinship, league, legal agreement, legal contract, like-mindedness, likeness, likening, line, love, malleability, marriage, meeting of minds, meld, melding, merger, metaphor, mimicking, mutual agreement, mutual understanding, mutuality, nearness, no difference, obedience, obligation, observance, OK, okay, one accord, one voice, oneness, orthodoxy, package, package deal, pact, paction, parallelism, parasitism, parity, peace, permission, pliancy, preengagement, promise, promptitude, promptness, protocol, rapport, rapprochement, ratification, readiness, reciprocity, recognizance, reconcilement, reconciliation, resemblance, same mind, sameness, sanction, saprophytism, selfhood, self-identity, selfness, selfsameness, semblance, settlement, sharing, similarity, simile, similitude, simulation, simultaneity, single voice, solidarity, solidification, stipulation, strictness, submission, support, symbiosis, sympathy, symphony, synchronism, synchronization, syncretism, syndication, syneresis, synergy, synonymity, synonymousness, synonymy, synthesis, team spirit, tie-up, total agreement, traditionalism, transaction, treaty, tune, unanimity, unanimousness, understanding, undertaking, ungrudgingness, unification, uniformity, union, union contract, unison, united action, unity, universal agreement, unloathness, unreluctance, valid contract, verbal agreement, wage contract, warm assent, wedding, welcome, willingness |