AGONY: Thesaurus Entry, Synonyms and Antonym
Pronunciation: | | 'agunee
| Related Terms: | | aching heart, affliction, agonizingness, agony of mind, anguish, atrocious pain, bale, bitterness, bleeding heart, broken heart, care, carking care, crucifixion, crushing, death agonies, death groan, death rattle, death struggle, death throes, deathbed, deathwatch, depression, depth of misery, desolateness, desolation, despair, distress, dolor, dying breath, excruciatingness, excruciation, extremity, final extremity, grief, heartache, heartbreak, heartfelt grief, heartgrief, heartsickness, heavy heart, infelicity, lamentation, languishment, last agony, last breath, last gasp, martyrdom, martyrization, melancholia, melancholy, misery, moribundity, pain, pangs, passion, pining, prostration, rack, sadness, sorrow, sorrowing, suffering, suicidal despair, throes, throes of death, torment, tormentingness, torture, torturousness, trouble, woe, wretchedness |