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Meaning of AFRAID

Pronunciation:  u'freyd

Matching Terms:  afraid(p)

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: To dream of being afraid is an expression of hidden anxiety and untamed fears. Left out of control, these would lead to failure at the private and professional levels. When you dream of others being afraid, it might indicate that you are unconsciously ignoring their calls for help, you might need to leave your own fears behind and lend a helping hand, because these frightened people are in no situation to offer any kind of support.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abulic, afeared, aghast, anxious, apologetic, apprehensive, averse, backward, cautious, chary, chicken, chickenhearted, coward, cowardly, cowed, craven, daunted, dismayed, edgy, faint, fainthearted, feared, fearful, fear-struck, feeble, feebleminded, frail, frightened, fritter, funking, funky, haunted with fear, henhearted, hesitant, indisposed, infirm, intimidated, invertebrate, jittery, jumpy, lily-livered, loath, milk-livered, milksoppish, milksoppy, mousy, nervous, on edge, overtimid, overtimorous, panicky, panic-prone, panic-stricken, pigeonhearted, pliable, pusillanimous, rabbity, regretful, reluctant, rueful, scared, scared to death, scary, shrinking, shy, sissified, sissy, skittish, soft, sorry, spineless, spooked, terrified, timid, timorous, uneager, unhappy, unmanly, unmanned, unwilling, wary, weak, weakhearted, weak-kneed, weak-minded, weak-willed, white-livered, yellow