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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Tranc`scen*den"tal\, a. [Cf. F. transcendantal,
G. transcendental.]
1. Supereminent; surpassing others; as, transcendental being
   or qualities.
2. (Philos.) In the Kantian system, of or pertaining to that
   which can be determined a priori in regard to the
   fundamental principles of all human knowledge. What is
   transcendental, therefore, transcends empiricism; but is
   does not transcend all human knowledge, or become
   transcendent. It simply signifies the a priori or
   necessary conditions of experience which, though affording
   the conditions of experience, transcend the sphere of that
   contingent knowledge which is acquired by experience.
3. Vaguely and ambitiously extravagant in speculation,
   imagery, or diction.
Note: In mathematics, a quantity is said to be transcendental
      relative to another quantity when it is expressed as a
      transcendental function of the latter; thus, a^{x},
      10^{2x}, log x, sin x, tan x, etc., are transcendental
      relative to x.
{Transcendental curve} (Math.), a curve in which one ordinate
   is a transcendental function of the other.
{Transcendental equation} (Math.), an equation into which a
   transcendental function of one of the unknown or variable
   quantities enters.
{Transcendental function}. (Math.) See under {Function}.
Syn: {Transcendental}, {Empirical}.
Usage: These terms, with the corresponding nouns,
       transcendentalism and empiricism, are of comparatively
       recent origin. Empirical refers to knowledge which is
       gained by the experience of actual phenomena, without
       reference to the principles or laws to which they are
       to be referred, or by which they are to be explained.
       Transcendental has reference to those beliefs or
       principles which are not derived from experience, and
       yet are absolutely necessary to make experience
       possible or useful. Such, in the better sense of the
       term, is the transcendental philosophy, or
       transcendentalism. Each of these words is also used in
       a bad sense, empiricism applying to that one-sided
       view of knowledge which neglects or loses sight of the
       truths or principles referred to above, and trusts to
       experience alone; transcendentalism, to the opposite
       extreme, which, in its deprecation of experience,
       loses sight of the relations which facts and phenomena
       sustain to principles, and hence to a kind of
       philosophy, or a use of language, which is vague,
       obscure, fantastic, or extravagant.