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Pronunciation:  'turmu`leen

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a mineral that is a complex borosilicate and hydroxide of aluminum containing iron and magnesium and calcium and lithium and sodium; it is usually black but occurs in transparent colored forms that are used as gemstones
 See Also: mineral, transparent gem



Products Dictionary

Years ago, during World War II, Murray Murdoch was stationed on Elba, an island he came to love. After the war, he and his wife and their sons stay there for an extended period, trying--and failing--to make a living mining the blue tourmaline that is supposed to be prevalent there. Many years after that, one of the sons returns to the island, determined to understand the events that transpired there--and to look for tourmaline. A New York Times Notable Book for 2002.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Tour"ma*line\, n. [F. tourmaline, cf. It. turmalina,
tormalina, NL. turmalina, turmalinus; all fr. tournamal, a
name given to this stone in Ceylon.] (Min.)
A mineral occurring usually in three-sided or six-sided
prisms terminated by rhombohedral or scalenohedral planes.
Black tourmaline (schorl) is the most common variety, but
there are also other varieties, as the blue (indicolite), red
(rubellite), also green, brown, and white. The red and green
varieties when transparent are valued as jewels. [Written
also {turmaline} .]
Note: Crystals of tourmaline when heated exhibit electric
      polarity (see {Pyroelectric}, n.). Tourmaline is also
      used in the form of a polariscope called tourmaline