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Meaning of TASSEL

Pronunciation:  'tasul

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  adornment consisting of a bunch of cords fastened at one end
 See Also: adornment, sword knot



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Tas"sel\, n. (Falconry)
    A male hawk. See {Tercel}.
  2. \Tas"sel\, n. [See {Teasel}.]
    A kind of bur used in dressing cloth; a teasel.
  3. \Tas"sel\, n. [OE., a fastening of a mantle, OF. tassel a
    fastening, clasp, F. tasseau a bracket, Fr. L. taxillus a
    little die, dim. of talus a die of a longish shape, rounded
    on two sides and marked only on the other four, a knuckle
    1. A pendent ornament, attached to the corners of cushions,
       to curtains, and the like, ending in a tuft of loose
       threads or cords.
    2. The flower or head of some plants, esp. when pendent.
             And the maize field grew and ripened, Till it stood
             in all the splendor Of its garments green and
             yellow, Of its tassels and its plumage.
    3. A narrow silk ribbon, or the like, sewed to a book to be
       put between the leaves.
    4. (Arch.) A piece of board that is laid upon a wall as a
       sort of plate, to give a level surface to the ends of
       floor timbers; -- rarely used in the United States.
    {Tassel flower} (Bot.), a name of several composite plants of
       the genus {Cineraria}, especially the {C. sconchifolia},
       and of the blossoms which they bear.
  4. \Tas"sel\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Tasseled}or {Tasselled};
    p. pr. & vb. n. {Tasseling} or {Tasselling}.]
    To put forth a tassel or flower; as, maize tassels.
  5. \Tas"sel\, v. t.
    To adorn with tassels. --Chaucer.