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Meaning of STRATIFY

Pronunciation:  'stratu`fI

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  render fertile and preserve by placing between layers of earth or sand; "stratify seeds"
  2. [v]  form layers or strata; "The rock stratifies"
  3. [v]  form, arrange, or deposit in layers; "The fish are stratified in barrels"; "The rock was stratified by the force of the water"; "A statistician stratifies the list of names according to the addresses"
  4. [v]  divide society into social classes or castes; "Income distribution often stratifies a society"
  5. [v]  develop different social levels, classes, or castes; "Society stratifies when the income gap widens"
 See Also: arrange, change, differentiate, distinguish, fecundate, fertilise, fertilize, inseminate, interstratify, lay, place, pose, position, put, secern, secernate, separate, set, set up, severalise, severalize, tell, tell apart



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Strat"i*fy\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stratified}; p. pr.
& vb. n. {Stratifying}.] [Stratum + -fy: cf. F. stratifier.]
To form or deposit in strata, or layers, as substances in the
earth; to arrange in strata.