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Meaning of SLIPPER

Pronunciation:  'slipur

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  low footwear that can be slipped on and off easily; usually worn indoors
  2. [n]  a person who slips or slides because of loss of traction
 Synonyms: carpet slipper, skidder, slider
 See Also: bootee, bootees, bootie, booties, footgear, footwear, human, individual, mortal, mule, mules, person, scuff, scuffs, somebody, someone, soul



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Slip"per\, n.
    1. One who, or that which, slips.
    2. A kind of light shoe, which may be slipped on with ease,
       and worn in undress; a slipshoe.
    3. A kind of apron or pinafore for children.
    4. A kind of brake or shoe for a wagon wheel.
    5. (Mach.) A piece, usually a plate, applied to a sliding
       piece, to receive wear and afford a means of adjustment;
       -- also called {shoe}, and {gib}.
    {Slipper animalcule} (Zo["o]l.), a ciliated infusorian of the
       genus {Paramecium}.
    {Slipper flower}.(Bot.) Slipperwort.
    {Slipper limpet}, or {Slipper shell} (Zo["o]l.), a boat
  2. \Slip"per\, a. [AS. slipur.]
    Slippery. [Obs.]
          O! trustless state of earthly things, and slipper hope
          Of mortal men.                           --Spenser.