| Definition: | |  Sedum Although neglected by general gardening books, sedums - often called stonecrops - are popular with gardeners who realize that plants do not have to be ostentatious, expensive, or difficult to grow to be charming. Sedums are sun-loving, drought-resistant, mostly hardy, and provide masses of color. They are prized by alpine and rock gardeners as much as by succulent enthusiasts. This book provides the most complete information on sedums available anywhere. It effectively bridges the gap between scientific descriptions scattered in countless esoteric journals and available only in specialist libraries, and the general garden encyclopedias, which often only fleetingly mention an odd sedum and occasionally wrongly identify species. This definitive study describes more than 400 species and varieties, highlighting the differences between species and facilitating correct identification. The book is designed to aid the reader in the identification of familiar and unfamiliar stonecrops by indicating the eventual size and spread of each plant, its general appearance, and its similarity to other sedums. Cultivation, propagation, and habitat information are all provided. more details ... |