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Meaning of POLESTAR

Pronunciation:  'powl`stâr

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  the brightest star in Ursa Minor; at the end of the handle of the little dipper; the northern axis of the earth points toward it
 Synonyms: North Star, polar star, Polaris
 See Also: Dipper, Little Bear, Little Dipper, loadstar, lodestar, Ursa Minor, variable, variable star



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Pole"star`\, n.
1. Polaris, or the north star. See {North star}, under
2. A guide or director.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: Aldebaran, artificial magnet, bar magnet, Canicula, celestial body, center of attraction, center of consciousness, center of interest, comet, cynosure, daystar, Dog Star, electromagnetic lifting magnet, evening star, field magnet, fixed stars, focal point, focus, focus of attention, guiding star, heart, heavenly body, Hesper, Hesperus, horseshoe magnet, hub, living sapphires, lodestar, lodestone, Lucifer, magnet, magnetic needle, magnetite, morning star, nerve center, North Star, orb, paramagnet, Phosphor, Phosphorus, point of convergence, polar star, Polaris, prime focus, seat, Sirius, solenoid, sphere, starry host, stars, Venus, Vesper