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Meaning of PATHOS

Pronunciation:  'peythâs

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a quality that arouses emotions (especially pity or sorrow); "the film captured all the pathos of their situation"
  2. [n]  a style that has the power to evoke feelings
  3. [n]  a feeling of sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others; "the blind are too often objects of pity"
 Synonyms: commiseration, pity, poignancy, ruth
 See Also: expressive style, fellow feeling, quality, style, sympathy



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Pa"thos\, n.
    1. The quality or character of those emotions, traits, or
       experiences which are personal, and therefore restricted
       and evanescent; transitory and idiosyncratic dispositions
       or feelings as distinguished from those which are
       universal and deep-seated in character; -- opposed to
    2. Suffering; the enduring of active stress or affliction.
  2. \Pa"thos\, n. [L., from Gr. pa`qos a suffering, passion,
    fr. ?, ?, to suffer; cf. ? toil, L. pati to suffer, E.
    That quality or property of anything which touches the
    feelings or excites emotions and passions, esp., that which
    awakens tender emotions, such as pity, sorrow, and the like;
    contagious warmth of feeling, action, or expression; pathetic
    quality; as, the pathos of a picture, of a poem, or of a cry.
          The combination of incident, and the pathos of
          catastrophe.                             --T. Warton.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: bathos, benevolence, bitterness, bleakness, caring, cheerlessness, chord, clemency, comfortlessness, commiseration, compassion, concern, condolence, depression, discomfort, dismalness, distress, distressfulness, dreariness, echo, empathy, favor, feeling, fellow feeling, forbearance, forgiveness, grace, grief, grievousness, heaviness, heaviness of heart, heavy heart, heavyheartedness, humanity, identification, involvement, joylessness, kindness, lamentability, lamentation, leniency, mercy, mitigation, mournfulness, pain, painfulness, pardon, pitiability, pitiableness, pitifulness, pity, poignancy, quarter, regrettableness, relating, relief, reprieve, response, responsiveness, ruth, sadheartedness, sadness, self-pity, sharing, sharpness, sorrowfulness, sympathetic chord, sympathetic response, sympathy, vibes, vibrations, woebegoneness, woefulness