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Meaning of OUSTER

Pronunciation:  'awstur

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the act of ejecting someone or forcing them out
  2. [n]  a wrongful dispossession
  3. [n]  a person who ousts or supplants someone else
 Synonyms: ejector, ousting
 See Also: deposition, dethronement, dispossession, ejection, eviction, exclusion, expulsion, human, individual, legal ouster, mortal, person, riddance, somebody, someone, soul



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Oust"er\, n. [Prob. fr. the OF. infin. oster, used
substantively. See {Oust}.]
A putting out of possession; dispossession; ejection;
      Ouster of the freehold is effected by abatement,
      intrusion, disseizin, discontinuance, or deforcement.
{Ouster le main}. [Ouster + F. la main the hand, L. manus.]
   (Law) A delivery of lands out of the hands of a guardian,
   or out of the king's hands, or a judgement given for that
   purpose. --Blackstone.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: booting out, bouncer, chucker, chucker-out, defenestration, detrusion, discharge, dislodgment, dispossession, ejection, ejectment, ejector, eviction, evictor, expeller, expulsion, extrusion, jettison, kicking downstairs, obtrusion, ousting, rejection, removal, the boot, the bounce, throwing out