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Meaning of OCTET

Pronunciation:  âk'tet

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a musical composition written for eight performers
  2. [n]  eight people considered as a unit
  3. [n]  a set of eight similar things considered as a unit
  4. [n]  eight performers or singers who perform together
  5. [n]  the cardinal number that is the sum of seven and one
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 Synonyms: 8, eight, eighter, eighter from Decatur, eightsome, octad, octette, octette, octonary, ogdoad, VIII
 See Also: assemblage, composition, digit, figure, gathering, musical composition, musical group, musical organisation, musical organization, opus, piece, piece of music, set



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Oc*tet"\, n. [From L. octo eight, like E. duet, fr.L.
duo. See {Octave}.] (Mus.)
A composition for eight parts, usually for eight solo
instruments or voices.
Computing Dictionary

Eight bits. This term is used in networking, in preference to byte, because some systems use the term "byte" for things that are not 8 bits long.

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: antistrophe, beta particle, bipartisanship, book, burden, canto, cathode particle, chorus, coaction, coadjuvancy, coadministration, coagency, cochairmanship, codirectorship, collaboration, collaborativeness, collectivism, collusion, commensalism, common effort, common enterprise, communalism, communism, communitarianism, community, complicity, concert, concord, concordance, concurrence, cooperation, cooperativeness, couplet, distich, duet, duettino, duo, duumvirate, ecumenicalism, ecumenicism, ecumenism, eight, eighter from Decatur, electron, electron affinity, electron cloud, electron pair, electron shells, electron spin, electron transfer, electron-positron pair, energy level, ensemble music, ensemble singing, envoi, epode, esprit, esprit de corps, excited state, extranuclear electrons, fellow feeling, fellowship, ground state, harmony, heptastich, hexastich, joining of forces, joint effort, joint operation, line, lone pair, mass action, measure, monostich, morale, mutual assistance, mutualism, mutuality, negatron, octad, octagon, octahedron, octameter, octastich, octastyle, Octateuch, octave, octavo, octonary, octosyllable, ogdoad, orbital electron, ottava rima, part music, part singing, part song, pentastich, photoelectron, polyphonic music, pooling, pooling of resources, pulling together, quartet, quatrain, quintet, reciprocity, recoil electron, refrain, rhyme royal, secondary electron, septet, septuor, sestet, sextet, shared pair, solidarity, Spenserian stanza, stanza, stave, strain, strophe, subvalent electrons, surface-bound electron, syllable, symbiosis, synergism, synergy, team spirit, teamwork, tercet, terza rima, terzet, terzetto, tetrastich, thermion, trio, triplet, tristich, triumvirate, troika, united action, utas, valence electrons, valence shell, verse, wandering electron