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Meaning of MILKWEED

Pronunciation:  'milk`weed

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  annual Eurasian sow thistle with soft spiny leaves and rayed yellow flower heads
  2. [n]  any of numerous plants of the genus Asclepias having milky juice and pods that split open releasing seeds with downy tufts
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 Synonyms: silkweed, Sonchus oleraceus
 See Also: Asclepia meadii, Asclepias, Asclepias albicans, Asclepias curassavica, Asclepias exaltata, Asclepias incarnata, Asclepias meadii, Asclepias purpurascens, Asclepias speciosa, Asclepias subverticillata, Asclepias tuberosa, Asclepias verticillata, blood flower, butterfly weed, chiggerflower, genus Asclepias, herb, herbaceous plant, horsetail milkweed, Indian paintbrush, Mead's milkweed, milk thistle, orange milkweed, pleurisy root, poison milkweed, poke milkweed, purple silkweed, showy milkweed, sow thistle, swallowwort, swamp milkweed, tuber root, white milkweed, whorled milkweed



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He`s a boy called Jew. Gypsy. Stopthief. Runt. Happy. Fast. Filthy son of Abraham. He`s a boy who lives in the streets of Warsaw. He`s a boy who steals food for himself and the other orphans. He`s a boy who believes in bread, and mothers, and angels. He`s a boy who wants to be a Nazi some day, with tall shiny jackboots and a gleaming Eagle hat of his own. Until the day that suddenly makes him change his mind. And when the trains come to empty the Jews from the ghetto of the damned, he`s a boy who realizes it`s safest of all to be nobody. Newbery Medalist Jerry Spinelli takes us to one of the most devastating settings imaginable--Nazi-occupied Warsaw of World War II--and tells a tale of heartbreak, hope, and survival through the bright eyes of a young orphan.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Milk"weed`\, n. (Bot.)
Any plant of the genera {Asclepias} and {Acerates}, abounding
in a milky juice, and having its seed attached to a long
silky down; silkweed. The name is also applied to several
other plants with a milky juice, as to several kinds of