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Meaning of HORNY

Pronunciation:  'hornee

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  made of horn (or of a substance resembling horn)
  2. [adj]  having horns or hornlike projections; "horny coral"; "horny (or horned) frog"
  3. [adj]  feeling great sexual desire; "feeling horny"
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 Synonyms: aroused, corneous, hard, horned, hornlike, randy, ruttish, sexy, turned on(p)



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Horn"y\, a. [Compar. {Hornier}; superl. {Horniest}.]
1. Having horns or hornlike projections. --Gay.
2. Composed or made of horn, or of a substance resembling
   horn; of the nature of horn. ``The horny . . . coat of the
   eye.'' --Ray.
3. Hard; callous. ``His horny fist.'' --Dryden.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: acanthoid, acanthous, acicular, acuate, aculeate, aculeiform, acuminate, acute, animal, aphrodisiomaniacal, barbed, bawdy, bony, carnal, cement, cemental, clitoromaniacal, concrete, concupiscent, corneous, cornuted, cusped, cuspidate, dense, diamondlike, dirty, dure, ejaculatory, erotic, eroticomaniacal, erotomaniacal, fleshly, flintlike, flinty, goatish, granitelike, granitic, gynecomaniacal, hard, hard as nails, hardhearted, hispid, horned, hot, hot-blooded, hysteromaniacal, iron-hard, ironlike, itching, ithyphallic, lapideous, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, libidinous, lickerish, lithoid, lithoidal, lubricious, lustful, marble, marblelike, mucronate, needle-pointed, needle-sharp, nymphomaniacal, obdurate, obscene, orgasmic, orgastic, osseous, passionate, pointed, priapic, pronged, prurient, randy, resistant, resistive, rocklike, rocky, salacious, satyric, sensual, sex-starved, sexual, sexy, sharp-pointed, solid, spiculate, spiked, spiky, spined, spinous, spiny, steamy, steellike, steely, stonelike, stony, tapered, tapering, tined, toothed, tough, unbated, unsatisfied