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Meaning of GERMINAL

Pronunciation:  'jurmunl, 'jurmunl

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  seventh month of the Revolutionary calendar (March and April); the month of buds
  2. [adj]  containing seeds of later development; "seminal ideas of one discipline can influence the growth of another"
 Synonyms: original, originative, seminal
 See Also: Revolutionary calendar, Revolutionary calendar month



Products Dictionary

Zola`s depiction of the life of the laboring classes, and the struggle between capital and the workers in the mines of northern France, is an epic of naturalism that also possesses the richness and exactitude of a sociological document.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Ger"mi*nal\, a. [See {Germ}.]
    Pertaining or belonging to a germ; as, the germinal vesicle.
    {Germinal layers} (Biol.), the two layers of cells, the
       ectoblast and entoblast, which form respectively the outer
       covering and inner wall of the gastrula. A third layer of
       cells, the mesoblast, which is formed later and lies
       between these two, is sometimes included.
    {Germinal membrane}. (Biol.) Same as {Blastoderm}.
    {Germinal spot} (Biol.), the nucleolus of the ovum.
    {Germinal vesicle}, (Biol.), the nucleus of the ovum of
  2. \Ger`mi*nal"\, n. [F. See {Germ} .]
    The seventh month of the French republican calendar [1792 --
    1806]. It began March 21 and ended April 19. See
  3. \Ger"mi*nal\, a. (Biol.)
    Of or pertaining to the germ, or germ cells, as distinguished
    from the somatic cells.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: aboriginal, atomic, basal, basic, central, conceptive, conceptual, corpuscular, creative, crucial, elemental, elementary, embryonic, esemplastic, evanescent, fattening, fecund, fecundative, fertile, fertilizing, fetal, fructificative, fundamental, generative, genetic, germinant, germinational, germinative, germiparous, granular, ideational, ideative, imaginative, impalpable, imperceptible, imponderable, in embryo, in ovo, in the bud, inappreciable, indiscernible, infinitesimal, ingenious, inspired, intangible, inventive, invisible, larval, life-giving, microcosmic, microscopic, molecular, multiparous, notional, original, originative, pregnant, primal, primary, primeval, primitive, primordial, pristine, procreant, procreative, productive, prolific, propagative, protogenic, radical, reproductive, richening, rudimentary, seminal, shaping, spermatic, spermatozoic, subatomic, teeming, tenuous, thin, ultramicroscopic, unseeable, visioned