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Meaning of DRAG OUT

Pronunciation:  drag awt

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  proceed for an extended period of time; "The speech dragged on for two hours"
  2. [v]  last unnecessarily long
 Synonyms: drag, drag on, drag on
 See Also: endure, go, last, proceed



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: adjourn, amble, arouse, bring forth, bring out, bring to light, call forth, call out, call up, chatter, claudicate, continue, crawl, creep, dawdle, deduce, defer, delay, derive, dogtrot, drag, drag along, draw, draw forth, draw out, dwell on, educe, elicit, elongate, evoke, extend, fill out, get from, get out of, go dead slow, go slow, hang fire, hang up, hobble, hold off, hold over, hold up, idle, inch, inch along, induce, jog-trot, lay aside, lay by, lay over, laze, lengthen, lengthen out, let out, limp, linger on, mosey, never finish, obtain, pad, perorate, pigeonhole, poke, poke along, postpone, procrastinate, procure, produce, prolong, prolongate, prorogate, prorogue, protract, pull, push aside, put aside, put off, put on ice, recess, reserve, rouse, run out, saunter, secure, set aside, set by, shelve, shift off, shuffle along, sleep on, speak at length, spin out, stagger along, stand over, stave off, stay, stimulate, strain, stretch, stretch out, string out, stroll, summon forth, summon up, suspend, table, take a recess, tauten, temporize, tense, tighten, toddle, toddle along, totter along, traipse, waddle, waive, walk, wangle, wangle out of, winkle out, worm, worm along, worm out, worm out of