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Meaning of DIPLOID

Pronunciation:  'diployd

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  (genetics) an organism or cell having two sets of chromosomes or twice the haploid number
  2. [adj]  (genetics; of a cell or organism) having two sets of chromosomes or twice the haploid number; "diploid somatic cells"
 Antonyms: haploid, haploidic, monoploid, polyploid
 See Also: being, organism



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Dip"loid\, n. [Gr. ? twofold + -oid.] (Crystallog.)
A solid bounded by twenty-four similar quadrilateral faces.
It is a hemihedral form of the hexoctahedron.
Biology Dictionary
 Definition: A full set of genetic material, consisting of paired chromsomes one chromosome from each parental set. Most animal cells except the gametes have a diploid set of chromosomes. The diploid human genome has 46 chromosomes. Compare haploid.
  1. A full set of genetic material consisting of paired chromosomes, one from each parental set. Most animal cells except the gametes have a diploid set of chromosomes. The diploid human genome has 46 chromosomes.
  2. a term that refers to the full complement of chromosomes (23 chromosomes). The diploid number in humans is forty-six.