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Meaning of DEDICATED

Pronunciation:  'dedu`keytid

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  solemnly dedicated to or set apart for a high purpose; "a life consecrated to science"; "the consecrated chapel"; "a chapel dedicated to the dead of World War II"
  2. [adj]  devoted to a cause or ideal or purpose; "a dedicated dancer"; "dedicated teachers"; "dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal"- A.Lincoln
 Synonyms: consecrate, consecrated, devoted, devoted(p), ordained, sacred, votive
 Antonyms: desecrated, undedicated
 See Also: holy



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abandoned, afire, altruistic, ardent, beatified, blessed, bound, bound and determined, burning, canonized, committed, consecrated, constant, decided, decisive, definite, determined, devoted, devout, disinterested, earnest, faithful, fast, fervent, fervid, fiery, flaming, hallowed, hearty, heated, hot, hot-blooded, humble, impassioned, in earnest, intense, intent, intent on, loyal, modest, obstinate, on fire, passionate, perfervid, persevering, persistent, purposeful, red-hot, relentless, resolute, resolved, sacrificing, sainted, saintly, sanctified, self-abasing, self-abnegating, self-abnegatory, self-denying, self-devoted, self-effacing, self-forgetful, self-immolating, selfless, self-neglectful, self-neglecting, self-renouncing, self-sacrificing, self-unconscious, serious, set apart, sincere, single-minded, spirited, staunch, steadfast, tenacious, tested, tried, tried and true, true, unacquisitive, unpossessive, unpretentious, unselfish, unsparing of self, vehement, warm, white-hot, wholehearted, zealous