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Meaning of TRITON

Pronunciation:  'trItân, 'trItn

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  small usually bright-colored semiaquatic salamanders of North America and Europe and North Asia
  2. [n]  tropical marine gastropods having beautifully colored spiral shells
  3. [n]  (Greek mythology) a sea god; son of Poseidon
 Synonyms: newt
 See Also: common newt, Cymatiidae, eft, family Cymatiidae, family Salamandridae, Greek deity, Notophthalmus viridescens, Pacific newt, red eft, salamander, Salamandridae, seasnail, Triturus vulgaris



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Tri"ton\, n. [L., fr. Gr.?.] (Gr. Myth.)
A fabled sea demigod, the son of Neptune and Amphitrite, and
the trumpeter of Neptune. He is represented by poets and
painters as having the upper part of his body like that of a
man, and the lower part like that of a fish. He often has a
trumpet made of a shell.
      Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea, Or hear old
      Triton blow his wreathed horn.           --Wordsworth.
2. (Zo["o]l.) Any one of many species of marine gastropods
   belonging to {Triton} and allied genera, having a stout
   spiral shell, often handsomely colored and ornamented with
   prominent varices. Some of the species are among the
   largest of all gastropods. Called also {trumpet shell},
   and {sea trumpet}.
3. (Zo["o]l.) Any one of numerous species of aquatic
   salamanders. The common European species are
   {Hemisalamandra cristata}, {Molge palmata}, and {M.
   alpestris}, a red-bellied species common in Switzerland.
   The most common species of the United States is
   {Diemyctylus viridescens}. See Illust. under {Salamander}.
Computing Dictionary

Intel's Pentium core logic chip set. In addition to the traditional features, this chip set supports: EDO DRAM to increase the bandwidth of the DRAM interface; "pipelined burst SRAM" for a cheaper, faster second level cache; "bus master IDE" control logic to reduce processor load; a plug and play port for easy implementation of functions such as audio.

The Triton I chipset (official name 82430FX) consists of 4 chips: one 82437FX TSC (Triton Sysetm Controller), two 82438FX TDP (Triton Data Path), and one 82371FB PIIX (PCI IDE Xcellerator). It supports PB Cache, EDO DRAM, and a maximum PCI and memory burst data transfer rate of 100 megabytes per second.

There are also Moble Triton (82430MX), Triton II (82430HX), and the Triton VX (82430VX) chip sets.
