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Meaning of RELAY

Pronunciation:  [n]'reeley, [v]ree'ley, ree'ley

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the act of relaying something
  2. [n]  electrical device such that current flowing through it in one circuit can switch on and off a current in a second circuit
  3. [v]  pass along; "Please relay the news to the villagers"
  4. [v]  control or operate by relay
 Synonyms: electrical relay
 See Also: circuit, communicate, control, electric circuit, electrical circuit, electrical device, electromagnet, handing over, operate, pass, pass on, passage, put across



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Re*lay"\, a. (Mach.)
    Relating to, or having the characteristics of, an auxiliary
    apparatus put into action by a feeble force but itself
    capable of exerting greater force, used to control a
    comparatively powerful machine or appliance. [Webster 1913
  2. \Re*lay"\ (r?-l?"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Relaid} (-l?d);
    p. pr. & vb. n. {Relaying}.] [Pref. re- + lay, v.]
    To lay again; to lay a second time; as, to relay a pavement.
  3. \Re*lay"\ (r?-l?"), n. [F. relais (cf. OF. relais
    relaxation, discontinuance, It. rilascio release, relief,
    rilasso relay), fr. OF. relaissier to abandon, release, fr.
    L. relaxare. See {Relax}.]
    1. A supply of anything arranged beforehand for affording
       relief from time to time, or at successive stages;
       provision for successive relief. Specifically:
       (a) A supply of horses placced at stations to be in
           readiness to relieve others, so that a trveler may
           proceed without delay.
       (b) A supply of hunting dogs or horses kept in readiness
           at certain places to relive the tired dogs or horses,
           and to continue the pursuit of the game if it comes
           that way.
       (c) A number of men who relieve others in carrying on some
    2. (Elec.) In various forms of telegraphic apparatus, a
       magnet which receives the circuit current, and is caused
       by it to bring into into action the power of a local
       battery for performing the work of making the record;
       also, a similar device by which the current in one circuit
       is made to open or close another circuit in which a
       current is passing.
    {Relay battery} (Elec.), the local battery which is brought
       into use by the action of the relay magnet, or relay.