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Meaning of CHINOOK

Pronunciation:  shi'nûk, shu'nûk

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  large Pacific salmon valued as food; adults die after spawning
  2. [n]  a Penutian language spoken by the Chinook people
  3. [n]  pink or white flesh of large Pacific salmon
  4. [n]  a member of an important North American Indian people who controlled the mouth of the Columbia river; they were organized into settlements rather than tribes
  5. [n]  a warm dry wind blowing down the E slopes of the Rockies
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 Synonyms: chinook salmon, chinook salmon, chinook wind, Chinookan, king salmon, king salmon, Onchorynchus tshawtscha, quinnat salmon, snow eater
 See Also: chinook, chinook, genus Onchorynchus, Onchorynchus, Onchorynchus tshawtscha, Penutian, Penutian, quinnat salmon, salmon, salmon, wind



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Arriving in Alaska to dig for gold, young Joe Harney's life takes an unexpected turn when he saves the life of Andrew Steen, the owner of a wolf dog named Chinook, who takes Joe overland to the gold fields where they meet Kate Winslow, an enigmatic woman who brings danger and intrigue into their lives. Reprint.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Chi*nook"\, n.
1. (Ethnol.) One of a tribe of North American Indians now
   living in the state of Washington, noted for the custom of
   flattening their skulls. Chinooks also called {Flathead
2. A warm westerly wind from the country of the Chinooks,
   sometimes experienced on the slope of the Rocky Mountains,
   in Montana and the adjacent territory.
3. A jargon of words from various languages (the largest
   proportion of which is from that of the Chinooks)
   generally understood by all the Indian tribes of the
   northwestern territories of the United States.