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Meaning of BAPTIST

Pronunciation:  'baptust

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  follower of Baptistic doctrines
  2. [adj]  of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Baptist church; "Baptist baptismal practices"
 Synonyms: Baptistic
 See Also: Baptist Church, Baptists, Dunkard, Dunker, Protestant, Tunker



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Bap"tist\, n. [L. baptista, G. ?]
1. One who administers baptism; -- specifically applied to
   John, the forerunner of Christ. --Milton.
2. One of a denomination of Christians who deny the validity
   of infant baptism and of sprinkling, and maintain that
   baptism should be administered to believers alone, and
   should be by immersion. See {Anabaptist}.
Note: In doctrine the Baptists of this country [the United
      States] are Calvinistic, but with much freedom and
      moderation. --Amer. Cyc.
{Freewill Baptists}, a sect of Baptists who are Arminian in
   doctrine, and practice open communion.
{Seventh-day Baptists}, a sect of Baptists who keep the
   seventh day of the week, or Saturday, as the Sabbath. See
   {Sabbatarian}. The Dunkers and Campbellites are also