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Meaning of STRICT

Pronunciation:  strikt

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  severe and unremitting in making demands; "an exacting instructor"; "a stern disciplinarian"; "strict standards"
  2. [adj]  rigidly accurate; allowing no deviation from a standard; "rigorous application of the law"; "a strict vegetarian"
  3. [adj]  unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment; "a parent severe to the pitch of hostility"- H.G.Wells; "a hefty six-footer with a rather severe mien"; "a strict disciplinarian"; "a Spartan upbringing"
  4. [adj]  not indulgent; "strict parents"
  5. [adj]  (of rules) stringently enforced; "hard-and-fast rules"
  6. [adj]  incapable of compromise or flexibility
 Synonyms: demanding, exact, exacting, hard-and-fast, intolerant, invariable, nonindulgent, rigid, rigorous, severe, spartan, stern, unpermissive



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Strict\, a. [Compar. {Stricter}; superl. {Strictest}.]
[L. strictus, p. p. of stringere to draw or bind tight, to
strain. See {Strain}, and cf. {Strait}, a.]
1. Strained; drawn close; tight; as, a strict embrace; a
   strict ligature. --Dryden.
2. Tense; not relaxed; as, a strict fiber.
3. Exact; accurate; precise; rigorously nice; as, to keep
   strict watch; to pay strict attention. --Shak.
         It shall be still in strictest measure. --Milton.
4. Governed or governing by exact rules; observing exact
   rules; severe; rigorous; as, very strict in observing the
   Sabbath. ``Through the strict senteries.'' --Milton.
5. Rigidly; interpreted; exactly limited; confined;
   restricted; as, to understand words in a strict sense.
6. (Bot.) Upright, or straight and narrow; -- said of the
   shape of the plants or their flower clusters.
Syn: Exact; accurate; nice; close; rigorous; severe.
Usage: {Strict}, {Severe}. Strict, applied to a person,
       denotes that he conforms in his motives and acts to a
       principle or code by which he is bound; severe is
       strict with an implication often, but not always, of
       harshness. Strict is opposed to lax; severe is opposed
       to gentle.
             And rules as strict his labored work confine, As
             if the Stagirite o'erlooked each line. --Pope.
             Soon moved with touch of blame, thus Eve: -
             ``What words have passed thy lips, Adam
             severe!''                         --Milton.
{The Strict Observance}, or {Friars of the Strict
Observance}. (R. C. Ch.) See {Observance}.
Computing Dictionary

A function f is strict in an argument if

        f bottom = bottom

(See bottom). In other words, the result depends on the argument so evaluation of an application of the function cannot terminate until evaluation of the argument has terminated.

If the result is only bottom when the argument is bottom then the function is also bottom-unique.

See also strict evaluation, hyperstrict.