Meaning of POLL
Pronunciation: | | powl
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | To check the status of an input line, sensor, or memory location to see if a particular external event has been registered. Contrast interrupt. [Jargon File] |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abbreviate, abridge, abstract, ad valorem duty, agenda, alcohol tax, amusement tax, ask, assessment on default, Australian ballot, aye, ballot, ballot box, balloting place, beadroll, bean, belfry, bob, boil down, book, brow, cadastre, calendar, call off, call over, call the roll, canvass, canvassing, capital gains tax, capitation, capitation tax, capsulize, carve, cast a ballot, casting vote, catalog, census, census report, chalk, chalk up, check in, checklist, checkroll, chronicle, chump, clip, compress, condense, conduct a poll, conk, consumer research, consumer-preference survey, contract, corporation tax, count, counting heads, crop, crown, cumulative voting, curtail, customs, customs duty, cut, cut back, cut down, cut off short, cut short, death duty, death tax, deciding vote, divide, division, dock, docket, dome, doomage, dramatis personae, duty, election returns, elide, enfranchisement, engrave, enroll, enscroll, enter, enumerate, epitomize, estate duty, estate tax, excess profits tax, excise, excise tax, export tax, fagot vote, federal tax, figures, file, fill out, foliate, foreshorten, franchise, gabelle, get, gift tax, grave, graveyard vote, hand vote, Hare system, head, head count, head tax, headpiece, honor roll, impanel, import tax, incise, income tax, index, inheritance tax, inquiry, inscribe, insert, internal revenue tax, interview, jot down, jury list, jury panel, land tax, landslide, lineup, liquor tax, list, list system, local tax, log, luxury tax, make a memorandum, make a note, make a survey, make an entry, make out, mark down, matriculate, measure, minute, mow, muster, muster roll, nay, nip, no, noddle, noggin, nontransferable vote, noodle, nose count, note, note down, nuisance tax, number, numerate, official count, opinion poll, order of business, page, paginate, pate, personal property tax, place upon record, plebiscite, plebiscitum, plump, plumper, plural vote, poll tax, pollard, pollbook, polling, polling booth, polling place, polling station, polls, post, post up, preferential voting, program, property roll, property tax, property-increment tax, proportional representation, protective tariff, provincial tax, proxy, prune, public-opinion poll, put down, put in writing, put on paper, put on tape, quantify, quantize, question, questionary, questionnaire, rates, reap, recap, recapitulate, receive, record, record vote, recount, reduce, reduce to writing, referendum, register, representation, retrench, returns, revenue tariff, ridge, right to vote, rising vote, roll, roll call, roster, rota, run over, sales tax, salt tax, sample, say, school tax, sconce, scroll, secret ballot, set down, severance tax, shave, shear, shorten, show of hands, single vote, snap vote, snub, specific duty, state tax, straw vote, stunt, suffrage, sum up, summarize, survey, synopsize, tabulate, take down, take in, tally, tape, tape-record, tariff, tariff duty, tax roll, telephone tax, telescope, tell, tidal wave, transferable vote, trim, truncate, use tax, value added tax, VAT, videotape, viva voce, voice, voice vote, vote, voting, voting booth, voting machine, voting right, win, window tax, write, write down, write in, write out, write up, write-in, write-in vote, yea, yeas and nays, yes |