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Meaning of ORB

Pronunciation:  orb

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 Related Terms: Aldebaran, ambit, area, arena, baby blues, bailiwick, ball, balloon, banjo eyes, beat, bladder, blob, boll, bolus, border, borderland, bright eyes, bubble, bulb, bulbil, bulblet, Canicula, cap of dignity, cap of maintenance, celestial body, circle, circuit, clear eyes, comet, cornea, coronet, crown, daystar, demesne, department, diadem, discipline, Dog Star, domain, dominion, ellipsoid, ermine, evening star, eye, eyeball, eyelid, field, fixed stars, geoid, globe, globelet, globoid, globule, glomerulus, gob, gobbet, goggle eyes, great seal, heavenly body, hemisphere, Hesper, Hesperus, iris, judicial circuit, jurisdiction, knob, knot, lamp, lens, lid, living sapphires, lodestar, Lucifer, march, morning star, naked eye, nictitating membrane, North Star, oblate spheroid, ocular, oculus, optic, optic nerve, orbit, orblet, organ of vision, pale, peeper, pellet, Phosphor, Phosphorus, polar star, Polaris, polestar, popeyes, precinct, privy seal, prolate spheroid, province, pupil, purple, purple pall, realm, regalia, retina, robe of state, rod, rod of empire, rondure, round, royal crown, saucer eyes, scepter, sclera, seal, signet, Sirius, sphere, spheroid, spherule, starry host, starry orbs, stars, subdiscipline, tiara, triple plume, unaided eye, uraeus, Venus, Vesper, visual organ, walk, winker