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Meaning of NICK

Pronunciation:  nik

Computing Dictionary

[IRC] nickname. On irc, every user must pick a nick, which is sometimes the user's real name or login name, but is often more fanciful. Compare handle.

[jargon file]

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: appropriate, arrest, ascender, back, bastard type, beard, beat it, belly, bevel, birthmark, black letter, blaze, blaze a trail, blemish, blotch, body, brand, cabbage, cap, capital, case, cast, caste mark, chalk, chalk up, check, check off, checkmark, chip, chop, cicatrix, cicatrize, cleft, clout, collar, counter, crap, craps, crena, crenellate, crenulate, crimp, cut, dapple, dash, defect, define, delimit, demarcate, dent, depart, depression, descender, discolor, discoloration, dot, earmark, em, en, engrave, engraving, face, fat-faced type, feet, flaw, fleck, flick, font, freckle, gash, gouge, graving, groove, hack, hatch, hook, impress, imprint, incise, incision, indent, indentation, indenture, italic, jag, jog, joggle, jot, kerf, knurl, lentigo, letter, ligature, line, logotype, lower case, machicolate, macula, majuscule, make a mark, make off with, make tracks, mark, mark off, mark out, marking, mill, minuscule, mole, mottle, nab, nail, natural, nevus, nip, nock, notch, patch, pencil, pepper, pi, pica, picot, pinch, pink, point, police station, polka dot, prick, print, punch, punctuate, puncture, purloin, riddle, roll, roman, sans serif, scallop, scar, scarification, scarify, score, scotch, scratch, scratching, script, seal, seam, serrate, shank, shot, shoulder, slash, small cap, small capital, speck, speckle, splash, splotch, spot, stain, stamp, steal, stem, stigma, stigmatize, strawberry mark, streak, striate, stripe, take, take in, take off, tattoo, tattoo mark, throw, tick, tick off, tittle, tooth, trace, type, type body, type class, type lice, typecase, typeface, typefounders, typefoundry, underline, underscore, upper case, Vandyke, watermark