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Meaning of NICE

Pronunciation:  nees, nIs

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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: according to Hoyle, accurate, acute, advantageous, advertent, affable, affectionate, agog, agreeable, agreeably, alert, all ears, all eyes, ambrosial, amiable, amicable, appreciative, appropriate, assiduous, attentive, attractive, auspicious, aware, becoming, befitting, beneficial, benevolent, benign, benignant, blissful, bon, bonny, braw, brotherly, bueno, capital, careful, charming, cheerful, choicy, choosy, Christian, Christlike, Christly, civilized, close, cogent, comfortably, commendable, compassionate, compatible, complaisant, complex, complicated, concentrated, condign, congenial, conscientious, conscious, constant, cordial, correct, courteous, critical, cultivated, cultured, dainty, dangerous, decent, decorous, delectable, delicat, delicate, delicious, delightful, delightfully, demanding, desirable, detailed, differential, diligent, direct, discerning, discriminate, discriminating, discriminative, distinctive, distinguishing, due, dulcet, earnest, elegant, en rapport, enjoyable, enjoyably, estimable, even, exact, exacting, excellent, exigent, expedient, express, exquisite, fair, fair and pleasant, faithful, famous, fastidious, faultless, favorable, felicific, felicitous, fine, finespun, finical, finicking, finicky, fit, fitting, flawless, fraternal, friendly, full, fussy, genial, gentlemanly, good, good to eat, goodly, good-tasting, graceful, gracile, gracious, grand, grateful, gratifying, gratifyingly, gustable, gusty, hairline, hairsplitting, hair-splitting, hairy, harmonious, healthy, heart-warming, heedful, helpful, honeyed, human, humane, inerrable, inerrant, infallible, intense, intent, intentive, intricate, judicious, juicy, keen, kind, kindhearted, kindly, kindly-disposed, kosher, ladylike, laudable, likable, likeable, loving, luscious, lush, mathematical, mellifluous, mellow, meticulous, micrometrically precise, microscopic, mindful, minute, narrow, neat, nectareous, nectarous, niggling, noble, normal, normative, observant, observing, of gourmet quality, old-maidish, old-womanish, on the ball, on the job, open-eared, open-eyed, openmouthed, outgoing, overconscientious, overparticular, overscrupulous, palatable, particular, penetrating, perceptive, perilous, pernickety, persnickety, picayune, picky, pinpoint, pleasant, pleasing, pleasingly, pleasurable, pleasureful, pleasure-giving, polished, polite, precarious, precious, precise, precisianistic, precisionistic, profitable, proper, punctilious, punctual, queasy, rare, refined, regal, regardful, religious, religiously exact, rewarding, right, right and proper, righteous, rightful, rigid, rigorous, royal, sage, sapid, sapient, satisfactory, satisfying, satisfyingly, savorous, savory, scientific, scientifically exact, scrumptious, scrupulous, scrutinizing, seemly, selective, sensitive, severe, sharp, skillful, slight, small, softhearted, sophisticated, sound, special, specific, splendid, square, squeamish, strict, stringent, subtle, succulent, suitable, superb, superior, sweet, sympathetic, sympathizing, tactful, tasty, tender, tender-conscienced, tenderhearted, ticklish, tidy, toothsome, trim, undeviating, unerring, useful, valid, very good, virtuous, warm, warmhearted, warm-hearted, watchful, welcome, winsome, wise, worthwhile, worthy, yummy